domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017


This is an activity I made for the very young ones, ages 6-7. It's about colors, I hope you like it!

Children listen to this song  in you tube, about rainbow colors. Teacher puts the song 2 times.
Then, teacher shows a rainbow picture on the board, and asks the kids to say de names of the colors. 
Afterwards, there's a game. The teacher says one color, and onof the children have to find an object in the class which is that color. We do the same with the rest of the rainbow colors.
Finally, we can listen to the song again, and we involve the children to sing the song.

1 comentario:

  1. This blog is very complete, i like all the activities that you're propose since they are simple to do, besides, i like that you developed different activities for different levels of age. Thank you for share them.
