lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

My body

This is an activity to learn the vocabulary about body parts. The activity is aimed to children aged 7.

Teacher shows the flashcards about parts of the body. Children repeat the name of the parts. Then, they play a game. Teacher says, touch your nose, and the kids have to do it. The game continues in the same way with the rest of the body parts.

Next, they dance and listen to the song Head, shoulders kness and toes.

Finally, teacher shows the flaschards again, and the kids say the words.

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

Means of transport

This is an activity for very young children, ages, 6-7 years old.

We show them in a picture, diferent means of transport.

We tell them the names, and as we say the name we do the actions as if we were travelling on them.
We ask the children to do the same.
Afterwards, we say the name of one transport and the kids have to do the action moving around the class.
Then, one of the kids has to do the action and the others has to guess which tranport is it.
At the end of the class, they can make a picture of their favorite main of transport and write the name of it.

Vincent Van Gogh

This is an activity for children ages 9-10. You can use it to talk about art, and Vincent Van Gogh, and also we use english and we make the children to think and to write in english.

We explain to the kids the life of Vincent Van Gogh. We show to the kids that  picture of Van Gogh.

Then we ask to the children to describe the picture. We give them some  guidelines:

What do you see in the picture?
What colors does Van Gogh use?
Why do you think he painted this picture?

Wild animals vs farm animals

There are animals which live in a farm, and people take care of them, and there are others which live wildly. Say the name of the animals and then classificate them in wild or farm animals.


This is an activity I made for the very young ones, ages 6-7. It's about colors, I hope you like it!

Children listen to this song  in you tube, about rainbow colors. Teacher puts the song 2 times.
Then, teacher shows a rainbow picture on the board, and asks the kids to say de names of the colors. 
Afterwards, there's a game. The teacher says one color, and onof the children have to find an object in the class which is that color. We do the same with the rest of the rainbow colors.
Finally, we can listen to the song again, and we involve the children to sing the song.